Empower Your Trek.

Clean The World.

The world’s first trekking pole attachments for removing trash from natural spaces.

Trek. Collect. Respect.

When we encounter trash in nature, we should be equipped with the right tools to remove it.

CleanTrekTM is the world’s first (patent pending) solution to remove trash from our natural spaces without sacrificing our style or outdoor experience. Simple, lightweight attachments connect to your existing trekking poles with ease. The Grabber grabs trash, and the Collector stores it. Using these together, you can collect trash while hiking or walking without ever letting go of your trekking poles.

If you want to see these products available for purchase someday, please join the Interest List! This helps me understand market potential and prove to investors that there's a real demand for these products. Filling this list and gathering your feedback is a crucial step towards launching a successful business.





A pair of trekking poles equipped with CleanTrek's Grabber and Collector, which can be used to grab and store trash while walking or hiking.

Leaving Trash Is In The Past.

See for yourself how CleanTrek’s products can empower you to remove litter from nature!

As you can see, there’s a lot left to do! If you believe in CleanTrek’s mission and want to see it become a reality, please join our Interest List, donate, and/or reach out!

Small Litter, BIG Problem.

CleanTrek’s products enable the convenient removal of relatively small pieces of trash from nature. Expand the sections below to see how small actions from many of us can make a HUGE impact.

  • The latest comprehensive study of litter in the US was the 2020 National Litter Study from Keep America Beautiful (link here). This study looked at US roadways and waterways in particular, estimating 25.9 billion pieces of trash along roadways and 23.7 billion along waterways, amounting to 49.6 billion pieces of litter in total. Although this doesn’t include natural trails, neighborhoods, etc., it provides some key insights:

    1. Based on the 2020 US census, the combined total trash along roadways and waterways amounts to just 152 pieces of litter per US resident. That sounds a lot more palatable than 49.6 billion!

    2. Across US roadways and waterways collectively, 87.9% of litter was measured as 4 inches or smaller (which is small enough to fit inside the CleanTrek Collector).

    My takeaway: if we can empower as many people as possible to collect litter, even just the small pieces, we can make a HUGE impact!

  • In September of 2023, Yosemite Climbing Association hosted Yosemite National Park’s 20th Annual Facelift, a 5-day event where 1,501 volunteers gave 12,151 hours of their time to collect 10,432 lbs of litter (info here). I’m hugely grateful for those who pulled off this huge cleanup, but also - can’t we figure out a way to prevent all that trash from getting out there in the first place?

    Consider this: Yosemite had 3,897,070 visitors in 2023. Could you imagine if every one of those visitors had the ability to confidently clean up trash they found? If we assume each visitor spent one full day at the park, that would amount to an average of ~10,677 “volunteers” every single day, scouring the entire park! That’s a lot of potential. Not to mention, think of all the other national, state, and local parks that don’t have the same kind of cleanup programs as Yosemite. We can make such a huge impact if we can empower people with the right tools!

  • I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen trash sitting literally 3 ft away from a garbage can or smack dab in the middle of a hiking trail, with no one doing anything about it. When we hesitate to do something, all it takes is a gust of wind or a heavy rain to take that trash somewhere inaccessible. Our planet deserves better, and the best way to tackle this problem is at the source, as quickly as possible!

Contact Us

Please don’t be shy to reach out! All feedback is welcomed and highly valuable. Feel free to drop me a line here, or just email me at john.mcshane@clean-trek.com.

By the way, I’m not hiring at the moment, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be a place for you on my team in the future! I’ll also gratefully accept advice or expertise in business, marketing, engineering, etc. if you’re willing to lend a hand. I’m open to discussing sponsorships/partnerships as well.